wild roots outdoor play

Play Based, Nature Inspired. 

Outdoor Story-time, Music and Movement, and Tinkergarten classes for children ages 1 - 8 years 

Raleigh, NC

April 2024: Please note, Wild Roots Outdoor Play is currently not offering any classes. Please check back for more updates on future class availability or email wildrootsoutdoorplay@gmail.com for more info.

Thank you!

Wild Roots Outdoor Play started with a passion for play based and child led learning combined with a deep love for nature and it's many benefits to our well-being. It is my goal to nurture children's 'wild roots' by facilitating meaningful learning experiences in the beautiful outdoors where they can learn, grow, and develop their connection with self, peers, and nature. I hope to contribute to a core foundation of developmental skills on which your child can grow and thrive in every way for many years to come. 

Research shows that children learn best when doing what they love most: PLAYING! And what better place to do it than the great outdoors, a place that is both calming and stimulating in the best of ways. It's the perfect environment to activate children's focus and joy for learning!

All programs offered by Wild Roots Outdoor Play are designed to engage the senses and ignite your child's sense of wonder, while allowing them the space, time, and tools to make their own discoveries and refine their theories about the world around them. All of this is done through PLAY and with JOY!